Escuela Rincon de Mora (ERdM) (Blackberry Corner School) - is located in the Rincon de Mora area of San Rafael de San Ramon. Founded in 1964, the school was built as a part of a community project between 1966 and 1970. The two teachers (one of which is the principal) along with the part time religion and English teacher, educate 30 children from grades 1 to 6. Kindergarteners go to the Escuela San Rafael down the road. Classes are held in two sessions per day from this 2 room school. There is a separate building containing a kitchen and multi purpose room. Even though most schools in Costa Rica are painted blue or green on the exterior, Escuela Rincon de Mora was painted inside and out in bright pastels and primary colors in 2007 compliments of a group of missionaries.

Escuela Pata de Gallo (EPdG) is located in a remote region approximately 10 miles southeast of San Ramon. It is the local school for the town of Pata de Gallo (translated as Rooster Foot in English). Similar to escuela Rincon de Mora, it is a two room schoolhouse with an attached cafeteria/kitchen. The school also has a covered play area for the children. There is one full time Teacher/Principal and part time Special Education, Religion and English teachers who visit the school once each week. In 2010 there are 13 students in the entire school, 2nd through 6th grade. Unless things change there will be fewer children next year with no 1st or 2nd grade. The school is in excellent condition, having recently been refurbished through an international cultural exchange program.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Meeting with the parents at ERdM

Shirley Salas, the principal of Escuela Rincon de Mora called a meeting of all of the 6th grade parents (10 students) and us to discuss our involvement with that class. As a prelude to the meeting, everyone was treated to a traditional story told by Shirley via a PowerPoint presentation prepared using the school’s only computer. Dave wasn’t exactly sure of the content of the presentation since it was all done in Spanish.
The parents of eight of the ten students in the 6th grade attended the meeting and were very excited to hear that native English speakers would be helping their children. Xinia, the English teacher assigned to this school, explained that we would be attending one 80 minute class per week starting March 13 at 3:30 pm. The parents immediately asked if it was possible for us to do two sessions a week! David explained that since it would require the use of an interpreter we would have to look into that possibility.
We discussed the other needs of the school. It was apparent that they needed a new Television. Theirs is approximately 15” with a mediocre picture. They, like San Rafael, also are in need of a VCR/DVD player as their only VCR has seen better days.
While everyone was being served cookies, crackers and soda by some of the 6th grade students, the parents discussed the 6th grade graduation field trip. The kids all want to go to an amusement park near San Jose, but there seems to be a challenge with the cost. It was estimated that each student would have to come up with 20,000 Colones (about $40.00 or $1.00 per week) by the end of the school year and that is a hardship for some of the parents. It appeared that there was going to be more discussion at a later date to talk about options.

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