Escuela Rincon de Mora (ERdM) (Blackberry Corner School) - is located in the Rincon de Mora area of San Rafael de San Ramon. Founded in 1964, the school was built as a part of a community project between 1966 and 1970. The two teachers (one of which is the principal) along with the part time religion and English teacher, educate 30 children from grades 1 to 6. Kindergarteners go to the Escuela San Rafael down the road. Classes are held in two sessions per day from this 2 room school. There is a separate building containing a kitchen and multi purpose room. Even though most schools in Costa Rica are painted blue or green on the exterior, Escuela Rincon de Mora was painted inside and out in bright pastels and primary colors in 2007 compliments of a group of missionaries.

Escuela Pata de Gallo (EPdG) is located in a remote region approximately 10 miles southeast of San Ramon. It is the local school for the town of Pata de Gallo (translated as Rooster Foot in English). Similar to escuela Rincon de Mora, it is a two room schoolhouse with an attached cafeteria/kitchen. The school also has a covered play area for the children. There is one full time Teacher/Principal and part time Special Education, Religion and English teachers who visit the school once each week. In 2010 there are 13 students in the entire school, 2nd through 6th grade. Unless things change there will be fewer children next year with no 1st or 2nd grade. The school is in excellent condition, having recently been refurbished through an international cultural exchange program.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Silver colored coins

Because Costa Rica is taking all silver colored coins out of circulation effective December 31, 2009, we are bagging up ours and giving them to the school in Rincon de Mora “for the children” (para los ninos)!!!
The schools will not reopen until February 16, 2010 but they will still be able to redeem them at any national bank. Read more Entry>>

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Student’s start their vacation today!!!

Yesterday was the last day of school until mid February. This is like summer vacation in the states. The ‘summer’ here happens to start during the Christmas season! Read more Entry>>

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Computer back to the Principal today

With added memory, 2009 Encarta in Spanish and anti virus software installed, the computer went back to a very appreciative Principal at escuela Rincon de Mora today. Probably most of the problems she had were caused by all the viruses on there!!! Read more Entry>>

Saturday, November 14, 2009


A donation of repaired/updated computers was received today - THANK YOU, F.D.! Read more Entry>>

Computers are back after repairs/updates!

Frank brought the computers back for Sully, escuelas Llano Brenes and Rincon de Mora today. Frank built a new computer for Llano Brenes and the ones for RdM got more memory, 2009 Encarta (Spanish version) and anti virus software.
THANK YOU, Frank!!! Read more Entry>>

Thursday, November 12, 2009


A donation of a router and 4 headsets were received today - THANK YOU, V.F.E.! Read more Entry>>

Monday, November 2, 2009

Stack & Pack

We packed every consumable school supply left in this house and took it to Xinia at Escuelaa Rincon de Mora today. After we left, she and the principal/teacher divided the supplies so all four ‘classes/teachers’ could share in the bounty. Besides Xinia and the principal/teacher, the others that benefited were the Religion and Special Ed classes. THANK YOU to all that have donated these needed supplies to the students! Read more Entry>>

Monday, October 26, 2009

RdM has internet!

ICE ‘showed up’ and installed internet recently. The product, “Acelera”, is like DSL. What an unexpecteld blessing!!!
Because the kids have not been on the computers since Shirley left in September and don’t realize what’s coming, it gives us time to make plans! We know we have to get the computers updated to use the internet, install a router, and to get headphones to enable talking via Skype to students in the US. Read more Entry>>

Monday, October 19, 2009

Shirley had her bebe (baby)

Shirley’s hija (daughter) Raquel was born October 9th!
Welcome to the world Raquel!!! Read more Entry>>

Monday, August 10, 2009

Miracle at Rincon de Mora

They got a substitute principal at RdM, her name is Milagro (Miracle).
According to Xinia, the Minister of Education has decided not to replace Maru because RdM has so few students (26).
We had six children in class today. We reviewed what we did last week (the alphabet and numbers) and introduced months and days of the week. Read more Entry>>

Monday, August 3, 2009

Back to escuela RdM

We went back to the escuela at Rincon de Mora today.
The other full time teacher (Maru) didn’t return this year and no replacement has been assigned. The principal (Shirley) is pregnant with her third child and due in October. She is leaving this Friday with a “license“ to take the rest of the year off.
Because there is no fulltime teacher/principal coverage, we don’t if or when we will go back. Xinia won’t be going back to teach English on Mondays unless the school is open.
We will have 3 - 6th graders, 2 - 5th graders and 3 - 4th graders on Mondays during our time at the school the rest of this year. We had 7 in class today.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Vacation has been EXTENDED!

CR health and education authorities jointly decided to extend the mid-year school vacation an additional week in an attempt to curb the spread of AH1N1 virus. Some 1 million children and teachers of both public and private schools will return to school on July 27 and not July 20 as had been announced at the start of the school break.
For his part, the ministro de Educacion (MEP), Leonardo Garnier, is reminding all school principals and authorities to ensure that bars of soap are available in all schools. Garnier said it would be impossible for the MEP personnel to place a bar of soap in every school, a responsibility that falls squarely on the directors of each school. Read more Entry>>

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Vacation Time!

Hundreds of thousands of students started their mid-year break yesterday. School will resume on July 20th. Read more Entry>>

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Plans made with Xinia

Xinia called today as she is going back to work at the schools tomorrow. (Her Mom passed on May 29th)
She asked if we planned on coming back to Escuela Rincon de Mora this year to volunteer and work with her. The student population has changed substantially since last year. We would be volunteering in a class consisting of first, fourth, fifth and six grades with a total of 15 children. Of those 15 there is only two in the 6th grade, one boy and one girl.
We committed to going back on Friday mornings to volunteer starting after vacation. It will be very interesting to see how this comes about!
We will get together with Xinia to discuss specifics and the plan closer to July 24th. Read more Entry>>

Thursday, June 11, 2009


A donation of consumable school supplies was received today – THANK YOU A.K. Read more Entry>>

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Johanna and Escuela San Rafael

Johanna came by this afternoon. She is adamant that we come back to Escuela San Rafael to volunteer in the 6th grade classroom. We told her that we would consider beginning after the vacation in July (6-20) possibly coming every other week so as to share lessons with Santiago. We will talk to her later on as July approaches. Read more Entry>>

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Aid request from the Principal of Llano Brenes

Cordial greetings from the Director of the Escuela Llano Brenes, Code 1320, located in the community of Llano Brenes of San Rafael of San Ramon. Our institution has 93 students registered in Grades 1 through 6 (Cycles I and II), distributed in morning and afternoon sessions. The primary business of the community is agricultural, mostly dependent upon the cultivation of coffee. Due to the seasonal nature of the business, families lack the economic resources to both cover the needs of the families and the basic needs of public institutions such as the escuelas. For this reason the school has a series of needs in both the physical plant and consumable supplies. As previously mentioned, the population is characterized by poverty – the majority of the students depend upon government scholarships which permit them to acquire necessary items to attend school (such as uniforms, backpacks, books, etc.).
Important to note, there are 20 students which require special education services. Because of the size of the Special Education room, these students must be divided into groups of 4. This room does not have a black/white board so the teacher writes on a light green wall with chalk. There is one student that presents special physical and mental challenges. Due to the efforts of the family and the child, she is able to attend school (she rides a horse to school three days a week, which is all that she can manage) but has difficulties – she is unable to walk without the assistance of a teacher or older student, and must be helped while in the restroom (one teacher assists her in the restroom while another “stands guard” at the doorway since it is impossible to close the door with two people in the room).
Virtually all of the students walk to school. For some it is up to an hour and a half walk both ways over very rough terrain.
General condition of the school:
The school is constructed of concrete block and for the most part the walls are structurally sound. The roof is made of corrugated steel and is in poor condition. Electrical wiring is partially installed in conduit but much is an exposed two-wire system (no ground) with most of the light receptacles, etc. spliced into the exposed wiring.
The kitchen/cafeteria is located in a separate building adjacent to the main building. Here all children receive lunch (their main meal of the day) consisting usually of rice, beans, soup and sometimes fresh fruit. The most needy of the children also receive a breakfast which is much the same as lunch.
Among the various needs of the physical plant, the following is a prioritized list:
1. Replacement of most of the zinc/steel roof. Cost of materials as.quoted by Maderas Oriente: 1,296,000 colones (approx. $2,270) and Maderas Gema: 1,214,000 colones (approx. $2,126)
2. Electrical installation in general
3. Gutters and downspouts (canoas)
4. Painting of the side and rear walls of the school and the kitchen area (classrooms and front of school have recently been painted)
5. Chalk/white boards
6. Enlarged restroom suitable for wheelchair access
Consumable/classroom items always in demand and usually scarce are:
1. Chalk (tizas)
2. Poster paper (cartulinas)
3. Felt tip markers (pilot)
4. Bond paper (copy paper)
5. Construction paper
6. Covered trashcans (basureros)
7. Instructional classroom materials (maps, charts, books, etc.)
Furniture, etc. needs:
There is a general need for new/refurbished desks, chairs, file cabinets and bookcases, as all of the furniture is in bad condition.
Also, there is no technology within the school – no cassette/CD player or TV/VCR/DVD. And, of course, computers would be welcomed (most of the children in this school have never touched a computer)!
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Escuela Llano Brenes was visited today

Today, Dave took Sully and James R. to the escuela in Llano Brenes. We had heard from Sully that this school needs help. She should know, as her father is the principal.
The school is located approximately 15 km southeast of San Ramon de Alajuela. It has 3 classrooms plus one small room for Special Education and a separate building housing a cafeteria and kitchen. There is a separately administered Pre-K building adjacent to the cafeteria. The 6 teachers including the principal, the part time English teacher, Religion teacher, and Special Needs teacher educate 93 children from Kindergarten to 6th grade.
The overall condition was looked at, especially the shoddy electrical wiring and the leaky roof. James knows of some missionary volunteers that are coming to do gratis work in this area of CR soon. Dave committed to having a synopsis of the specific needs of the school to James by the end of the week so he can pass the information along.
Dave and I decided to assist this school by providing consumables when possible but because of other escuela commitments, we won’t be going in to aid the English teacher. Today, Dave took and set up a computer, monitor, and laser printer (donated by FD) for use by the principal and teachers.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

We visited Escuela Santiago today

We took Paola and met with the assistant principal of Escuela Santiago today as they want us to volunteer there in the English classes .
We were very impressed by what we saw. This is certainly the nicest escuela that we have been to so far. Not only do they have a small library but a computer lab with 20 computers! Read more Entry>>

As one door closes, another opens

For the last year and a half, we have tried all that we know to be accepted by the principal of Escuela San Raphael and allowed in the classroom without being looked at suspiciously with questioning eyes.
With the knowledge of Paola, we have decided that we are not welcome or wanted by the administration of the school and have decided not to force the issue any further. Read more Entry>>

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We heard from Xinia

Xinia’s Mom is very sick and expected to die. Because of the bleak prognosis, Xinia has not been at Escuela Ricon de Mora this year and is on leave until at least June 25th Read more Entry>>

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


A donation of Macintosh software was received at the post office today – THANK YOU M.L. Read more Entry>>

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Meeting Johanna

Johanna Arroyo Stellar came to our house to meet us today. She will be the English teacher at Escuela San Rafael this year. She just started working there at the beginning of May as she and her husband had their fourth child 3 months ago.
She is a cousin of Xinia’s (the other English teacher we work with) and they exchanged positions at San Rafael and Berlin this school year.
We decided that we will start on Wednesday May 20th with the 6th graders. Read more Entry>>

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Change in computer reality for us & VFE

David worked on all of the donated computers and ended up with several that he just could not get to run. He searched around for a place to get them evaluated/fixed and found a wonderful solution in a gentleman by the name of Frank Day who owns a computer repair business and lives in Santa Ana, near San Jose. Frank drove up to San Ramon a few weeks ago and we had a long conversation about what we were trying accomplish with our donated computers. He ended up taking nine computers back to Santa Ana.
Frank stripped all of them down to the bare chassis, cleaned them and, one by one, began to build “good” computers out of the pile of parts. The result was the return of 4 nice computers, all running Windows XP in both English and Spanish, Microsoft Office 2003 and anti-virus software. One even got a DVD player! After doing all of that Frank was also kind enough to donate new mice and speakers, and nice keyboards for all of the computers.
On this trip back to Santa Ana to his ‘work shop’ he took two operating computers in order to install larger hard drives and install English and Spanish versions of XP. He is also working on one of the original computers to try to make a decent server.
Frank has made a commitment to working with us and VFE. He stated that he will provide our tech support and plans to further help by working with his client base in order to stimulate more donations of computers, software and equipment here in CR. What a special guy! THANK YOU, Frank!!!
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Monday, February 16, 2009

Students are back to school today

Almost a million students will be returning to school today as the 2009 public school year commences.
Xinia is not teaching at Escuela San Rafael this year. The English teacher there will be a woman who is currently pregnant and probably will not start until May.
We have heard from Xinia that she will be returning to teach at Escuela Rincon de Mora. The principal needs some more time to figure out how many English classes are needed to be taught and on which day of the week.
Xinia has contracted to be the English teacher at the Escuela Georgina Bolmarcich in Berlin this year. She will be teaching on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. A couple of weeks ago (for days and nights too!) all of Costa Rica experienced STRONG winds. At that time, the Berlin escuela lost the roof and windows over two classrooms and the principal’s office. As of last week, it had not been repaired and Xinia did not know when school would start.
Due to the fact that Berlin is on the other side of the mountain from us, we don’t know if we will follow Xinia or if there might be others that live closer and want to ‘adopt’ that school.
It looks like we have at least a couple more weeks off . . . Read more Entry>>