Escuela Rincon de Mora (ERdM) (Blackberry Corner School) - is located in the Rincon de Mora area of San Rafael de San Ramon. Founded in 1964, the school was built as a part of a community project between 1966 and 1970. The two teachers (one of which is the principal) along with the part time religion and English teacher, educate 30 children from grades 1 to 6. Kindergarteners go to the Escuela San Rafael down the road. Classes are held in two sessions per day from this 2 room school. There is a separate building containing a kitchen and multi purpose room. Even though most schools in Costa Rica are painted blue or green on the exterior, Escuela Rincon de Mora was painted inside and out in bright pastels and primary colors in 2007 compliments of a group of missionaries.

Escuela Pata de Gallo (EPdG) is located in a remote region approximately 10 miles southeast of San Ramon. It is the local school for the town of Pata de Gallo (translated as Rooster Foot in English). Similar to escuela Rincon de Mora, it is a two room schoolhouse with an attached cafeteria/kitchen. The school also has a covered play area for the children. There is one full time Teacher/Principal and part time Special Education, Religion and English teachers who visit the school once each week. In 2010 there are 13 students in the entire school, 2nd through 6th grade. Unless things change there will be fewer children next year with no 1st or 2nd grade. The school is in excellent condition, having recently been refurbished through an international cultural exchange program.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Shameless Request For Help" broadcast email

Based on the list of equipment and supplies provided by Xinia, Dave wrote the following email to some of our friends in the San Ramon area:

Dear Friends,
I haven’t done a charity plug, specifically for donations, for some time……. but here goes.
Raylene and I are “adopting” Escuela San Rafael in our adopted barrio of, you guessed it, San Rafael. More accurately we are organizing an English tutoring program for the school’s students and their parents. In doing so, we have identified a number of “needs” of the English class students and their teacher, Xinia. Since all of the 200 or so students attend English classes in Xinia’s classroom that means that every student, K through 6, would have the potential of being touched by your generosity. Modest by nearly all standards these are small things that would make a huge difference in their learning experience.
Whatever you do to help will be most helpful and appreciated. We are truly blessed with a school Principal, School Committee and parents who are inviting us into their school with open arms. Combine that with an English teacher who is truly dedicated to her students and interested in exposing them to native speakers and you have a real winner!
Their needs, in no particular order, are:
• Computer(s) and printer(s) – The school currently has one computer & a printer, donated by a friend of VTE, Jimmy Seta. That computer is being used as the school’s administrative tool and is not available for the students and teachers for classroom use. Amnet recently installed cable in our area, but even though RACSA provides free internet to all schools there will be no internet in a classroom until computers are made available. Raylene and I are donating an older model with printer in hopes that this might be the first to go online in San Rafael! Many more are needed. And, they need not be the newest, latest and greatest. As a matter of fact, even those that don’t work may be of use. I have a pretty strong computer background and can fix what ails most!
• VCR/DVD Player(so) – The school currently has ONE VCR, an older model which must be disassembled and cleaned regularly in order to play a fuzzy image. The school owns no tapes so what few they see are provided by teachers and parents. A VCR/DVD combo (or two or three) would be a great asset to the school.
• VHS tapes and DVD’s – Educational and entertainment tapes and CD’s would be a great addition to the teacher’s toolboxes.
• TV’s – well, these new/recycled VCR’s, DVD players, tapes & DVD’s aren’t much good without televisions to go with them. We are even thinking of having Friday afternoon children’s movies to provide entertainment and to increase the student’s exposure to hearing English spoken at the same time.
• CD/Cassette Tape Player(s) and Kid’s Tapes – Player(s) and CD’s/tapes suitable for K thru 6…. Raffy, Disney, Rick Charrette, etc. would be super!
• Copier – OK, this may be a stretch, but I have to ask. Right now the teachers get their copying done at the local pulperia!
• That’s pretty much it for the techy stuff, but there’s much more:
o Kid’s Books – Books written in English which can be used by tutors in their sessions. Disney, Golden Books, etc.
o Pencils – good old Number 2’s that go in a pencil sharpener
o Colored Pencils – crayons aren’t used after pre-school here
o Pens – Black and blue ballpoints, rollerballs, etc.
o Black “Magic Markers” for making flash cards
o Scissors
o Glue Sticks
o Construction Paper (the heavier colored paper)
o Plain white bond copy paper
o Chalk – white & colored
Thank you for reading this far, but there is one last thing. As we get more and more involved with the school, we may well need additional tutors. In no way am I trying to reduce anyone’s involvement in VTE, but if you have an interest in working with young children please call or email me. The school is already talking about a lot more tutoring than Raylene and I will be able to provide.
Pura Vida,

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